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Full Membership

Full Membership for 2024-2025

Licence valid from June 16th 2024 until 15th June 2025.

Please select option in the membership button that you wish to purchase

You must enter the name of the person buying the membership.

The licence will be posted out to you, until you receive your licence please keep a copy of you

 PayPal receipt with you when fishing.

Day Tickets are £6.50

You must enter your name & date (enter name and date in the box marked day tickets) that you want to fish then pay for the ticket.

If no name and date when your ticket is checked you may be asked to leave.

Then print out the receipt or keep the email with you when fishing

Gate code for section 6.  4077

Please check fixture list before buying day ticket.



Day Tickets (Lakes Only 15/3/24 to 15/6/24)

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