Lake fish restocking
Over the last few years the club has carried out some significant restocking in our lakes which is now showing some great results. Please see the details below:
Nov 18
300 Tench(4/6")-now up to nearly 2lb
200 Carp(4/5")-now about 1lb
Nov 21
Mirror and Common Carp(4/8")-now about 12oz
Top pool 80, bottom pool 120
Plus 20 Tench in top pool up to 1lb
Not quite as big as this one yet!
Working party Sat 18th Feb Sea Cadet section Help Needed!!
The plan for this working party is to replace 6 old wooden platform bases with new aluminium chequer plate, install 2 pallets behind 2 platforms that are now difficult to access because of changes to the riverbank, plus repair some steps and do some pruning.
In order to do all this work we need as much help as possible, particularly from any members with cordless drills as we need to drill the fixing holes in the plate(3mm aluminium) at the riverbank. Also if anyone has a bolt cutter that would be useful too.
Meeting at the section at 830am.
Any help will be greatly appreciated